(Above: 1min. music mashup blends iconic musical legends united from every culture, key, genre, & generation together in “Amazing Grace”)
What is the most popular, most influential, most recorded song of all time?
You might be shocked to hear what the Internet says is the answer! As I was prepping for my old radio show, I did a quick trivia search for the “Most Recorded Song.” I thought for sure it would logically be Amazing Grace. After all, it’s been sung around the world in every major language now for 250 years. It helped in the fight to condemn and make slavery illegal across the modern world! It became a universal rally cry against injustice and remains an anthem for freedom, forgiveness, and faith to this very day!
Nice song, but that math doesn’t quite seem right. CBS News recently reported that: “Amazing Grace is sung an estimated 10 million times each year.” So one would guess that recordings of “Amazing Grace” should at least be somewhere in the multi-millions. I would also guess, with nearly every church in the modern and free world streaming and recording their services since covid started, it’s quite possible that “Amazing Grace” is recorded more in just one weekend than the claimed 67,591 recordings of “Summertime” collected over its near 90-year history.
Now envision every car or shower singer, all the way up to iconic artists like the ones above pulling out their phones, recording a short little live viral video version (not in the shower please🤣), and posting it on just 1 of their YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter/X, or Instagram accounts with the hashtag in the title #AmazingGraceChallenge.
Grace comes in many styles and sounds and may be required here.
(WARNING!!! Some samples below are my feeble attempt to make you laugh because God designed us with a sense of humor. But if you lack seeing humor… hopefully God blessed you with an extra dose of grace !) Lol